
lundi 2 février 2015

Appel DT Colourarte - Pas à pas / Colourarte DT call - Step-by-step project

Site Web de ColourArte / ColourArte's website:
Blog de ColourArte / ColourArte's blog:

Celles qui me suivent depuis environ deux ans savent que J'ADORE les produits ColourArte, plus particulièrement les Silks et les Twinkling! :) Je les ai utilisés pour créer d'innombrables projets au fil des ans. Je suis la page Facebook de ColourArte, et le 18 janvier, j'ai appris qu'ils faisaient un appel DT. Wow! J'ai dansé de joie dans mon salon. J'ai décidé de poser ma candidature.
Those of you who have been following me for the last two years or so know that I LOVE the ColourArte products, especially the Silks Acrylic Glazes and Twinkling H2Os. I've used them to create many, many projects over the years. I follow the ColourArte Facebook page, and on January 18, I noticed that a DT call was posted! Wow! I was doing the happy dance in my living room. I decided to apply.

Je devais envoyer une biographie, de même qu'un projet et un pas à pas. Voici mon projet et les directives. J'espère que cela vous inspirera!
I had to send my bio, along with a project and step-by-step instructions. Here's my project and the instructions. I hope you will find it inspiring!

***Note aux lecteurs francophones : j'ai laissé les directives du pas à pas en anglais, car ça aurait été beaucoup trop long de tout traduire. Merci de votre compréhension!***


ColourArte mixed media layout – Step-by-step instructions

by Marie-Josée Hamel


·         12 x 12 chipboard
·         Two 12 x 12 stencils
·         Gesso
·         Modeling paste
·         Glossy Gel medium
·         Book pages
·         White paper flowers, in various sizes and styles
·         Colourarte Silks Acrylic Glazes in Pixie Pink, Watermelon Mist, Raspberry Wine, Ginger Flower, and Pink Anthurium
·         Colorarte Radiant Rain in Ginger Flower
·         Twinkling H2Os Watercolors in Pink Anthurium, Jasmine, and Cranberry
·         Palette knife
·         Sponge
·         Paintbrush
·         Embossing gun


1) Using one of the stencils and the sponge, apply gesso on your chipboard. Dry with the embossing gun to create texture.

2) Using the other stencil and the palette knife, apply a thick coat of modeling paste. Let dry thoroughly.

3) With the gel medium, glue pieces of the book pages on the right side of the chipboard. Let dry.

4) Using the sponge, apply gel medium all over the chipboard in a circular motion. Let dry.

5) Using the paintbrush, add color with the Colourart Silks Acrylic Glazed randomly all over the chipboard. Start with the lightest color and gradually add darker colors. First, use the Pixie Pink color.

6) Then, add the Watermelon Mist color.

7)  And then, the Raspberry Wine color.

8) Using the paintbrush, dab a generous amount of the Ginger Flower Silks Acrylic Glaze here and there on the chipboard. Apply with the sponge by dabbing.

9) Do the same with the Pink Anthurium color.

10) Using the tip of the sprayer of a Radiant Rain, create drops. The color Ginger Flower was used.

11) It is now time to add a bit more color with Twinkling H2O watercolors. Add the following colors, in that order : Pink Anthurium, Jasmine, and Cranberry. Let dry.

12) Your background is now ready. Now, color the flowers using the same Twinkling H2O watercolors used at the previous step. Tip : Wet your flowers before you color them, it makes it easier. Let dry or dry with the embossing gun.

13) Glue the flowers to your background, around your photo.

14) Finalize with stamping and a title.

15) And here are some close-up views.

8 commentaires:

  1. beautiful layout, thanks for using Colourarte products

  2. Superbe page Marie-Josée. Bonne chance pour le dt tu le mérite.

  3. most gorgeous layout!! loved the process.. and loved the juicy layer of colors being layered here.. wonderful job!!

  4. Your layout is fabulous! Love all the textures you got with the paste and papers.

  5. Je te souhaites bonne chance pour cet appel. Ta page est fabuleuse ainsi que ta photo. Bravo !

  6. Thank you for sharing these instructions! I have been visiting your blog for a few years and love it. Everything you make is beautiful!!


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