samedi 16 novembre 2013

Pages de mon weekend (2 de 3) / Layouts from my retreat (2 of 3)

Voici la deuxième page que j'ai créée pendant mon weekend de scrap.

Here's the second layout I created during my scrapbook retreat.

7 commentaires:

Belle à cropper a dit…

très belle, j'aime bcp ta superposition de papiers, et le ti-tas en haut !!!

Lizzy Hill a dit…

Hope you enjoyed reading your interview over at Scrap some lovely comments:):) LOOOVE this - what a fab way to use chipboard! Which I simply don't seem to like v much:) And those grey splats...yum!!!!!!!!

_mini_ a dit…

oh wow méga coup de coeur!! J'aime tout, les couleurs, le sketch, ton fond! Superbe!!!

mariemily a dit…

Yes Lizzy, thank you! :)

The splats were made with a new color of Archival ink, Watering Can, and stamps by Bo Bunny!

La Famille B a dit…

So cute....
what else?? Comme dirai Georges

Unknown a dit…

Love this layout - so very you too!

Unknown a dit…
